0. Initial briefing and research

Understanding the client's needs, budget, and goals. Researching the site, its environment, and any relevant regulations or restrictions.

1. Concept development

Creating initial design ideas and concepts, often through sketches or preliminary models. This stage involves creative thinking and exploration of different possibilities.

2. Schematic Design

Developing the chosen concept into a more defined scheme. This includes rough layouts, basic floor plans, and initial material selections.

Site planning

Analyzing and arranging the structures, features, and spaces of a site to optimize its use and aesthetic appeal. This process considers factors such as topography, climate, surrounding environment, access, and zoning regulations to create a harmonious and functional layout.

3. Design development

Refining the schematic design. This stage involves more detailed drawings, specifying materials, and integrating structural, mechanical, and electrical systems.

4. Permitting and approvals

Submitting the design for necessary approvals and permits from local authorities, which may require revisions to comply with building codes and regulations.

5. Bidding and contractor selection

If the project is to be bid on by contractors, this phase involves preparing and issuing bid documents, evaluating bids, and selecting a contractor.

6. Construction administration

Overseeing the construction to ensure that the design is being followed, managing any design changes, and resolving issues that arise during construction.